Tuesday, June 28, 2011

.... T-H-E B-A-T-T-L-E...............

As I sit alone in the corner,
  In a roOm of unEndiNg daRkneSs and soRrow,
I feLt hopeLess aNd sad
  I feLt eMpty and inComplete....

  I am aFraid....
Yes I was,,,
I tHought that tHe wOrLd tUrned it's baCk on me..
   That eVerYthing wAs a Lie
and faKed me.........

All the tiMe I keP't on aSking mySelf..
  Will I fOreVer be setting in emPtiness
and be a prisoner of hopeLess noThingness????
" or I was goiNg to spEnd eteRnity
in an unsure destinaTion??? . . .

" No!! I sHouldn't leT that haPpen"
I muSt mAke a move
  with my faitH and hoPe, as my cAne in hAnd,
I maDe my sTand....

   StarTing my bAttLe with daRkness
I coNtinued to struggLe, and figHt..
and as I sLowly oPened my eyes
   I finally sAw the ligHt.....

I wAs not a coWard anYmore..
   I am noW a conqueror,
embraceD by tHe tRuth and tHe Light
StarTing my fiRst sTep in mY new LifE's joUrney..............

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

WatEveR yOu aRe....!!!!!!!

WATEVER you aRe,
I'll still LoVe yOu,
That'S wHat I feeL fOr you
my heArt bEats and say'S I loVe yOu.

WATEVER you aRe,
I'm proud oF yoU,
anD i wAnt yOu to knOw
I cOuld diE just foR.

TherE's nOthiNg woRth,
fOr me bUt yOu..
BeCo'z of loVing yOu,
my Life iS reNewed..

i'll be faiThful anD tRue...
I wiSh aNd hoPe,
That yOu'll LOVE me as I do..........

Monday, June 20, 2011

Just taKe a LOOK BACK.........",)

The morning fades in your misty eyes,
Your troubles come and go.
Caress of the unfailing lullabies,
Soothes your very soul.

The nights will pass,
The crickets mourn
Time flies, the river dies
And there comes the sudden storm.

Where will I go?????????????
What shall I do??????
Who's going with me,
Are YOU.........???????????????

In times like this
When you have nowhere to go,
Just take a LOOK BACK!!!!!
And you'll find your way home............