In a roOm of unEndiNg daRkneSs and soRrow,
I feLt hopeLess aNd sad
I feLt eMpty and inComplete....
I am aFraid....
Yes I was,,,
I tHought that tHe wOrLd tUrned it's baCk on me..
That eVerYthing wAs a Lie
and faKed me.........
All the tiMe I keP't on aSking mySelf..
Will I fOreVer be setting in emPtiness
and be a prisoner of hopeLess noThingness????
" or I was goiNg to spEnd eteRnity
in an unsure destinaTion??? . . .
" No!! I sHouldn't leT that haPpen"
I muSt mAke a move
with my faitH and hoPe, as my cAne in hAnd,
I maDe my sTand....
StarTing my bAttLe with daRkness
I coNtinued to struggLe, and figHt..
and as I sLowly oPened my eyes
I finally sAw the ligHt.....
I wAs not a coWard anYmore..
I am noW a conqueror,
embraceD by tHe tRuth and tHe Light
StarTing my fiRst sTep in mY new LifE's joUrney..............